From the Blog

Spinal Hygiene wrap up eliminating back pain

That’s a Wrap

This is the the final installment of a 4 part Spinal Hygiene Series.  We wrap up the Spinal Hygiene series today in part 4 by helping you set some expectations and begin looking forward at how to maintain spinal health once you’ve kicked this current pain to the curb. If you’ve been going through these videos and and […]

Cat Cows in the Morning

Welcome to the third installment of our Spinal Hygiene series.  Today we’re talking about your morning routine and a move called the “Cat Cow Movement”. Morning can be a very painful time of the day when you have discogenic pain. The reason for this is your spine swells while you’re sleeping. As you are laying […]

Box Squat Personal Training

Box Squats for Low Back Pain

This is Part 2 of 4 in the Spinal Hygiene Series.  If you’re a regular at the gym, you should already have a good handle on the proper form for box squats. Even so, this is a good refresher of the mechanics of the movement to review and make sure you’re not slipping into bad habits.  Patients […]

Hip Hinge at Austin Chiropractor

Perfecting the Hip Hinge

This is the first part of a 4 part Spinal Hygiene Series.  The hip hinge is arguably one of the most important movement patterns in strength training. The hip acts as a hinge for the lower and upper body to thoroughly engage the posterior chain – especially glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.  Often, we use this exercise with […]

pain prevention for young running couple

You Can Prevent Running Injuries

Here comes a bold statement for the runners out there … Did you know that almost all knee pain and low back pain is both preventable and predictable? Please, let me explain. The majority of the time that someone has one sided low back pain or knee pain, there is weakness or instability in the […]

Can’t Touch Your Toes… “Try Harder!”

Most folks can agree this advice is misguided at best. But it’s no different from the advice I hear so many of my patients have received while working out. I am very adamant about this topic for several reasons.  Here I will present one, seemingly obvious example, that I find myself talking to patients about […]

joint pain from sitting

Will Your Desk Be the Death of You?

Most of us would agree that sitting couldn’t possibly be good for us. However, few of us ever really came to the harsh realization of just how dangerous it is. Articles discussing this topic have been all over recently, most of which have deemed sitting the new smoking, so I thought I’d shed some light […]

Are You Too Tight or Too Weak?

There are 2 types of people that can’t touch their toes….. those that are too tight and those that are too weak. Don’t be fooled as both groups of people will present similarly if not identically. Usually as they bend forward, they will declare that their “hamstrings are tight” and many times you’ll hear “I […]

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Austin, TX 78758


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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00am-4:00pm

Wednesday, Friday: 8:00am-12:00pm